Website Design for RedFlagged Volunteer Database

Seth, the founder of the RedFlagged Volunteer Database, needed assistance to create a simple website.  He also had us complete a logo design for his service a few weeks ago.

Seth wanted to start with a simple website to see if his idea works and to start somewhere while he works to get non-profit status and possible grant money for his idea.

His idea was to create a database for non-profit organizations to check volunteers against.  Non-profit agencies would be able to request an account at his website – and the non-profits would have the ability to see the names of volunteers who have been ‘red flagged’ by other organizations.

Over time, he anticipates growing the website to allow the non-profit subscribers to add their own entries and to make the database scalable with search capabilities.

We appreciate the business from Seth and hope his idea takes off!

The website for the RedFlagged Volunteer Database is at