The Last Watermelon & Almost Freezing

This week saw another huge crop of tomatoes!  We were gone for a little over a week and when we returned, a lot needed done.

For starters, we finally got a lot of rain.  The rain barrel system was completely filled up when we got back home – and no leaks – so everything was put back together well after the maintenance a few weeks back.  It was also quite windy a few days – and some of the deer netting in the front yard was down – and allowed some deer to get in and nibble on things.

The lettuce has taken off – and we harvested a little over two pounds of lettuce yesterday.

Assorted Lettuce

And here is the harvest:

Lettuce Harvest

Next was to pick the tomatoes.  There were over 15 pounds of Better Boy tomatoes, over a pound of Roma tomatoes (and they haven’t all been picked yet), and almost a pound of red cherry tomatoes.

Assorted Tomatoes

As you can see, they are not fully ripened up – but the weather is getting cold and I wanted to ensure they were picked before they went bad.  There are still TONS of green tomatoes on the plants.


As for the Anaheim Hot Peppers – they still are going well – but they just did not impress me.

Anaheim Hot Peppers

Same is the case with the California Wonder peppers this year.  We’ve always had huge yields – but this year left more to be desired.  We’ve only taken a few peppers from the plants this year.  I think it is because they were too crowded  out by all of the tomato plants.

California Wonder Peppers

Believe it or not, the Ventura celery seems to have had a growth spurt – so there are a few of those remaining.  You can also see a Best Boy tomato in the front – although I didn’t stake it up so it has fallen over (and has been this way for months now).

Ventura Celery

And lastly – today (Sunday) – I did some yard work.  The lawn was in desparate need of being mowed (mostly because of the weeds) – and I finally got the weed-eater out for the first time this year to trim around everything.  While doing so, I also tore out the Crimson Sweet watermelon plants and took down the big of fencing between the house and garage that protected that garden.  The final Crimson Sweet watermelon of the year – and by far the largest – weighing in at 19 pounds!

Crimson Sweet Watermelon

Well, we at least have been spared from freezing temperatures for the next week.  On Thursday and Friday of this past week, temperatures got very close to freezing (about 34 degrees) – but didn’t cause any damage to the plants.