Well, I am a week late again with posting this! Pictures were taken on April 24th (well, a week and a half) and just as the last post, there has been significant growth in the lettuce and celery since the photos were taken.
Just getting very busy and haven’t had much time to make posts on time.
Let’s jump in to the garden!
Lettuce and celery as they were a week and a half ago. And actually, we might be able to start picking leaves of lettuce off this week since they have at least doubled in size again.

As mentioned, work was going on in the front. The old potato area that was by the road is now gone and removed. Here is how the grass seed is progressing, although it is almost filled in at this point (with exceptions of some spots):

And the front garden – I put up the heavy duty deer netting that is thicker than the prior netting. The prior netting would get rips in it – so hopefully this stuff won’t. I also used rebar from taking the garden behind the garage down and am using the rebar for the posts/supports now instead of wood.

The front garden doesn’t show much of anything – although there are three rows of green beans that are now up and sprouted. I need to get a few spots filled in where the seeds didn’t germinate – and potentially another row on the other side of the front garden.
Inside – the tomato plants are doing well. Two of them were ‘transplanted’ to their own containers since two seeds came up together (making a total of six).

Back outside – the peas! I planted a row of peas beside the house and last week, some started to sprout as seen below. However….. something is really odd here. About all of the seeds closest to the patio area (closest to the lettuce bed) sprouted. But, NONE of the others did. So only about one foot of the 13 feet of peas sprouted. Pretty well useless.

Now, the most of the work was dealing with the onions. Previously, I was filling the other raised bed on the driveway to get it filled back up – as about half of the soil eroded. I filled it enough about a month ago to plant some onions and then stopped. So that weekend before the 24th of April, I finished screening all of the soil and got it filled up.

So all of these Walla Walla onions were just waiting to get in the ground:

After over an hour, I finally got all of the onions planted – and had to also plant about 20 in the front garden.

Well, that is all for the garden update for this week… or should I say for last week!