Logo Design for Cryo World LLC

cryoworld-logoTim, the owner of Cryo World LLC, contacted us a few weeks ago for a full range of solutions for his business.

He requested a feature-rich website, a logo design, and also a Flash animation design.

We have been working on his website for a couple of weeks and have the main website completed, although work continues to add in appointment booking and a user portal. During that time, our logo designer also was working to complete the logo for Tim.

Tim provided us valuable information on how he wanted his logo to appear, including a sketch. This tremendously helped our ability to understand what he was looking for.

Today, the logo design was approved and paid and the Flash animation was also added to his website on the top of each page.

We continue to work on Tim’s website.

Website Design For Lloyd Higley Golf

lloydhigleygolfLloyd contacted us several months ago in regards to making a website for him.  Lloyd is a golf instructor serving the greater Chicago area.

He provided us a few websites that he referenced and wanted his website to look like.  Once Lloyd was ready to get started, he placed his order and paid the initial costs for the domain name, website hosting, and initial cost for the web design.

We worked right away to get the site up and running based on the information that Lloyd submitted.  Several changes and modifications were done to the layout and color scheme of the website to meet his expectations.

While we have had scheduling conflicts with speaking with Lloyd to get any last questions answered, he has approved of the website and it was published today.

We appreciate the business from Lloyd!

The website is at lloydhigleygolf.com.

Logo Design For Zhang Ray Designs

zhangdesigns-logoMonique, the owner of Zhang Ray Designs, contacted us about a month ago about our logo design service.

Initially, she was a little suspect about our service since our pricing was very reasonable.  Afterall, she just also got burned from another designer.  She paid another designer $500 in order to create a logo and a simple website for her.  In the end, the designer refused to make any modifications or changes to the logo – and she was stuck with what she got.

Monique wasn’t impressed with the other logo designer and was concerned that we may not be able to meet her expectations.

In the end, Monique decided to move forward since we only require a 20% pre-payment for the logo work – and the final balance is payable only if the customer is satisfied with the work.

Our logo designer worked about a week on the logo and presented Monique with a few mock-up designs.  Immediately, Monique was extremely satisfied with the initial designs – but did ask for a few changes.  However, the initial designs were much more on target for her desired look than what the prior designer provided her with.

After a few more modifications, the logo was completed and approved!

We appreciate Monique’s business and are glad that we were able to gain her trust with our services.

Logo Design For Dwayne Polee Jr

dwayne-polee-logoA current customer that outsources website and logo design work to us, The InnewView Advisors, selected us to create a new logo design for one of their clients, Dwayne Polee Jr.

Dwayne already had a website but needed to have a facelift of his logo.  Our logo designer worked right away on the requested logo and provided several variations.  After just a few minor modifications, the logo was completed and provided to the client.

Website Design For Temple of Light

templeoflightocReverend Danielle, a leader of the Temple of Light Spiritual Community, contacted us a few months ago asking about website design services.

Initially, she was looking at using another web design company that she saw advertised.  When in communications with them, they indicated to look at their website to see examples of their work.

On the other designer’s website, they had a link to one of our customers – Airborne Signs.  As luck of the draw would have, Danielle called that customer to ask about how the designer was to work with.  Airborne Signs provided a very good testimonial to Danielle.  By the time the conversation was done, Danielle understood that Airborne Signs was speaking about us – and not the other company that has a false listing in their portfolio.

Danielle then called and spoke with us about her website needs.  They already had a website, but wanted to re-create the site and ensure that the site was also mobile-friendly.

About a month past and Danielle returned and said she was ready to begin the work on the site.

Over the course of the last few weeks, we worked to get the new site setup.  Danielle completed the finishing touches with adding events to the calendar and adding some of the content to the site.

Today, their new website was just launched and it is ready for business!

The website for Temple of Light is at templeoflightoc.org.

Logo Design For Founding Fathers Institute

foundingfathers-logoVictoria contacted us a few weeks back about website and logo design services.  Initially, she was looking for help with making changes to her website but opted to have us create a professional logo for her first.

Victoria provided us exact information on how she wanted the logo and gave us examples and sketches.  This allowed our designer to make the logo to her specifications quickly.

We appreciate the business from Victoria and hope to help with her website soon!

Website Design For Golden Industries, LLC

goldenindustriesNeal, the owner of Golden Industries, LLC, contacted us to make a simple website.  The overall goal of the website was to list a product that he invented and be able to sell it.

During the time with creating the website, Neal opted to not setup the PayPal integration until they were ready to start marketing the product more.

We had the website for Neal created in one day, and sent him an e-mail asking for some feedback of requested changes.  He replied with a couple of changes and the website was completed!

Today, Neal contacted us in order to add a website counter to the site – and we have now launched the site to the public.

The website for Golden Industries, LLC is goldenindustries.net.

Website Assistance For The InnerView Advisors

theinnerviewadvisorsHavonnah, one of the owners of The InnewView Advisors, contacted us last week in need of some help.

She had created a WordPress site and had most everything setup the way she liked.  However, there were some issues that she was experiencing that she needed some help with.

Primarily, she gave us a small list of things that needed to be updated.  There was a section on the website that needed the format changed, a page that needed formatted differently, some issues with an animated graph on the website, and some compatibility problems with the testimonials.

We worked with Havonnah to get all of these issues taken care of and stayed in constant contact with her.  Overall, Havonnah was very pleased with our responsiveness and the ability to get all of the issues taken care of that she presented to us.  Because of this, she has decided to continue working with us for other logo and website design projects that her firm may need in the future.  Already, she has a client that needs a logo designed and is pursuing this project with us.

We appreciate the business and trust that Havonnah has placed in us!

The InnerView Advisors website is at theinnerviewadvisors.com.

Logo Design For Fox & Dragon

foxanddragon-logoPhilip contacted us a few weeks ago about a logo design.

Originally, he had another logo designer create a logo for him. He needed the logo to be used on a product he invented – and so the logo would be used on the product packaging.

However, the logo designer he initially hired used artwork that was too similar to other artwork, preventing him from using it.

Upon getting the requirements from Philip, it was turned over to our logo designer. After a few quick modifications to the text and style of the fox and dragon, Philip approved of the logo.

Website Design For Casa De Sol

casadesolJohn, the owner of a home in Mexico, contacted us to see about getting a website created to help sell his home.  They live in Iowa and purchased the home, but are now ready to sell it to a new owner.

We provided John a couple of website examples that we created for other clients for vacation rentals, and he liked the way they were setup.  Therefore, he wanted to use the same layout to be used on their site – with the addition and removal of some of the features that were not needed for a house selling website.

We got the info from John quickly and began work.  Because of the holiday weekend, it delayed the process of getting the site completed, but today the site was fully completed and approved.

The website for Casa De Sol is at casadesol.us.