Charles, an abstract artist, reached out to us in mid-February asking about our website design services. We spoke over the phone and he re-iterated that he wanted a very simple and clean website to showcase his artwork. Earlier this year, we had a similar request for an artist that needed a website with several galleries to showcase his work. We provided Charles the link to that site – and that was what he was looking for.. but even simpler since Charles only needed one page to showcase his work.
About a month went by and Charles just contacted us again yesterday to say he was beginning to get started on his write-up for the homepage. He provided the write-up yesterday and we had another phone call today.
He was ready to get started. Upon paying the initial amount to get started and secure his domain name and website hosting, we put his biography on the homepage. He followed up by sending us ten pictures to add some items into his gallery to start off. One of those pictures he wanted to have displayed on the homepage.
Within a matter of two hours, we had his website completed and he is very happy with how simple it is to allow his artwork to stand out.
Charlie’s website can be found at