Website Design for ArtCharlie

Charles, an abstract artist, reached out to us in mid-February asking about our website design services.  We spoke over the phone and he re-iterated that he wanted a very simple and clean website to showcase his artwork.  Earlier this year, we had a similar request for an artist that needed a website with several galleries to showcase his work.  We provided Charles the link to that site – and that was what he was looking for.. but even simpler since Charles only needed one page to showcase his work.

About a month went by and Charles just contacted us again yesterday to say he was beginning to get started on his write-up for the homepage.  He provided the write-up yesterday and we had another phone call today.

He was ready to get started.  Upon paying the initial amount to get started and secure his domain name and website hosting, we put his biography on the homepage.  He followed up by sending us ten pictures to add some items into his gallery to start off.  One of those pictures he wanted to have displayed on the homepage.

Within a matter of two hours, we had his website completed and he is very happy with how simple it is to allow his artwork to stand out.

Charlie’s website can be found at

Website Design for Project One Audio

Tom, the owner of Project One Audio and Radio Storm Studios initially reached out to us in mid January looking for some help on his projects.

We discussed with him the requirements and previously posted the completion of his two logo designs.

Tom provided us exactly how he wanted his website to be setup in a PowerPoint file.  We then worked with him to make adjustments to the site and we had a few renditions of the PowerPoint file.

Today, the final changes were completed and the website is live!

The website can be found at

Website Design for Rayco RV Park

Maria from Rayco RV Park contacted us a few days ago.  We previously wrote about restoring their other website for Rayco Septic and modifying that site with additional changes.

After the other site was completed, we began working on the site for the RV park.  They own a small 16-spot RV park in Snyder TX.

They needed a simple website with information about amenities, park info, and pictures.  Later on, they anticipate integrating an online reservation system so visitors can reserve their spot directly on the site.

The Rayco RV Park website is at

Website Design for Marshfield Removal

Steve, the owner of Clip N Along, contacted us in need of having a new website made.  He already has two websites for other businesses – but wanted to have a website created specifically for different services he can provide with his excavator.

The idea is to have “anything” removal.  He can assist with landscaping tear-outs and removal, concrete removal such as driveways and patios, building removals such as small sheds, and general household item removal like appliances and furniture.

He supplied us a general guideline on the main items he wanted to target on the site and pictures.  Within 24 hours of him placing the website order, we had the website mostly completed.

Today, we just finalized a phone call to get a few text items updated – and he has approved the site!

The Marshfield Removal website can be found at

Website Design for Pink Fight Club

Rick, the owner of Pink Fight Club, reached out to us a few weeks ago about his trouble with the current provider he was using for website services.  We previously posted of some of those difficulties with our last post when we completed his domain transfers and website rebuild for Captain For Hire.

Once that project was done, he was ready to push forward with the Pink Fight Club site.  This website was still operational and it was built with a proprietary website building platform.  While on the phone with Rick, we assisted with completing the domain transfer.  We then got started getting the website reproduced as close as possible to the original site.

Within a few hours, the simple three-page website was setup and completed.

Rick is very pleased with our focus, customer service, and the education we provided him with some technical terminology that he didn’t understand.

The site for Pink Fight Club is at

Website Design for Captain For Hire

Rick contacted us a few weeks ago.  He was looking for help figuring out his website accounts and also to find a “better way” to do things.

His original hosting provider deleted his Captain for Hire website since the invoice had went unpaid for a few days.  Because of that provider’s policies, he wanted to move away from them.

Together, we reviewed the account and the products that were in it.  We found a few items that he wasn’t using and set those to cancel.

In the process, he wanted us to re-create his Captain for Hire website, manage all of his domains for that site, and then we would move on to his next site.

After Rick was ready to get started, we worked with him to complete the domain transfers.  We then were able to pull up a prior copy of his website to see what it looked like through the use of the resource.

Within a day, we had the website completed.  Rick was supplied the login information so he could  modify the site and he was pleased with the outcome and how quickly his situation was handled.

One thing he specifically mentioned is that it was nice to talk to someone with no accent – and the same person every time he called.

The website for Captain for Hire is at

Website Design for Rayco Septic & Concrete

Maria from Rayco Septic & Concrete contacted us yesterday.  They previously had us create a website for their septic business several years ago and she reached out to see about getting the website restored.

In the process, they also wanted to add their concrete service to the website.  They started out by doing concrete service initially and added the septic services about ten years into the concrete service.

The website was restored today and modified with a new logo, color scheme, pictures, and text.

After about two hours of updates, the website is complete and live!

The new site can be found at

Logo Design for Radio Storm Studios

Tom, the owner of Radio Storm Studios, reached out to us several weeks ago asking about our website design services.  He was looking to get a couple of websites made.  During those discussions, he also expressed a need to have a logo made for each business as well.

Our logo designer created four different logo examples for Tom to choose from for this project.  One of the designs was chosen and we made a few revisions based on his requests.

The logo has been approved and completed!

Logo Design for Project One Audio

Tom, the owner of Project One Audio, reached out to us several weeks ago asking about our website design services.  He was looking to get a couple of websites made.  During those discussions, he also expressed a need to have a logo made for each business as well.

Our logo designer created five different logo examples for Tom to choose from for this project.  One of the designs was chosen and we made a few revisions based on his requests.

The logo has been approved and completed!

Website Design for Michigan Vintage Volkswagen Club

Gary, one of the board members for the Michigan Vintage Volkswagen Club (MVVC), emailed us before the new year.  He was looking for assistance to get a new website created for their club.

They had a website prior, but the individual that managed the site was no longer available and the site was taken offline.

After exchange some emails with Gary, we had a conference call with the rest of the MVVC board.

The board approved the decision to move forward with creating the website.  We began working on the website right away and within a week’s period of time, the website was mostly completed.

Today, some final changes were made to the site and it was approved for launch!

You can find the MVVC website at