Broccoli & Lettuce Today

Today was another harvest!  I pulled a little more than two pounds of Black Simpson Elite lettuce and two pounds, six ounces of Green Goliath broccoli.  I didn't take any pictures of the lettuce since I have too many of those, but I did take a few of the broccoli.

Here are two of the three heads of broccoli.  I planted out eight broccoli plants and three have completed thus far.  One is right behind and will be picked in a few more days whereas the others still have about a week.


After I blanched them over boiling water (only do about a pound at a time) for four minutes, they were put in a nice ice water bath.  These will be frozen for a bit until we use them.  I will most likely keep at least one head of broccoli to have fresh with some veggie dip.

Broccoli Ice Bath

On a side note, the cauliflower seems to be doing better.  Two more cauliflower plants have very small curds starting – I just hope they grow and I don't get the dreaded "button head" that is only about the size of a golf ball.  Right now the two other cauliflower plants have small curds about this size – I just hope they grow!