This is the full garden journal for the year of 2010. I post this to the site mostly to have an electronic version of it.
February 11
- Planted 144 Copra Onions in the black 9-packs
- Used clear covers over the trays to lock in moisture
February 17
- Planted 6 Ventura Celery in black 6-packs
- Placed 6-packs in a tray, added water in the bottom of the tray, and placed clear cover over the top to lock in moisture
- Added more water to each of the onion trays
February 18
- Seems that 2 Copra Onions sprouted but the seeds were sitting directly on the soil. (7 days)
- Turned 2 of the 3 fluorescent fixtures on
- Temperature in growing area have ranted from 57.7 to 61.5 degrees F.
February 19
- 3 Copra Onions sprouted overnight (5 total) (8 days)
- 9 Copra Onions sprouted during the day (11 total) (8 days)
- Containers with sprouted onions moved all to one tray and misted
- Other non-sprouted containers put in tray, added water to the bottom, and clear lid placed back on top
- Growing area ranged from 59.0 to 62.7 degrees (fluorescent lights have raised temperature slightly)
February 20
- 22 Copra Onions sprouted overnight (36 total) (9 days)
- Clear cover taken off the onion tray
- 12 more onions sprouted by noon (48 total)
- 12 more onions sprouted by 6 pm (60 total)
- Growing area temperature between 58.5 and 61.3 degrees
February 21
- 12 onions sprouted overnight (10 days, 82 total)
- 7 more onions sprouted by noon (89 total)
- Temperature under light is about 69.1 degrees
- 8 more onions sprouted by 7 pm (97 total, 67% germination)
February 22
- 10 onions sprouted overnight (107 total, 11 days)
- 1 onion sprouted by 5 pm (108 total, 75% germination)
- Moved the 6-pack of celery under the lights
- About 8-9 degrees warmer
February 23
- 1 onion sprouted overnight (109 total, 12 days)
- 1 onion sprouted by 5 pm (110 total, 76% germination)
February 24
- Planted 12 Ventura Celery
- One 6-pack had garden soil used as the medium and Jiffy Seed Starting Mix used in the other 6-pack
February 25
- 2 onions sprouted overnight (112 total, 14 days)
- 1 onion sprouted during the day (113 total, 78% germination)
February 26
- 1 onion sprouted during the day (15 days, 114 total)
- 2 onions have dropped over and look like they are dieing
March 2
- Put 24 Ventura Celery seed in a container of water (checking seed viability trick)
- About 8 are sunk in the water; others are floating
- About 6 onions have fallen over and are dieing
- Some onions are getting their second set of leaves
March 3
- 8 onions have shriveled and died from damping off disease
- All celery seeds are at the bottom of the water container (morning, checking seed viability trick)
March 4
- Planted 24 Ventura Celery; 2 each in 12 containers
- Placed the seeds on top of the soil and misted in the Jiffy Seed Starting Mix
- Cut the onions to between 2-3 inches tall
- Some onions are getting their second leaves
- Planted 26 Copra Onion seed in locations where none sprouted
March 8
- 1 Ventura Celery sprouted from the first batch (19 days – 17% germination)
- 100 onions are still alive (lost 14)
- Put one 6-pack of Ventura Celery planted on March 4th and one planted on February 24th into the covered greenhouse with heatpad on all day
March 9
- Lifted greenhouse cover for about 1.5 hours to reduce moisture
- 1 Ventura Celery is beginning to sprout (20 days, 33% germination)
March 10
- Planted 8 California Wonder Pepper seeds in a 4-pack
- Two per square – seeds saved from last year’s plant
- Planted 16 California Wonder Pepper seeds in two 4-packs
- Two per square – seed from 1-year old packet of seeds
- Planted 16 Green Goliath Broccoli in 16-ounce cups
- Two per cup
- Seed is at least three or four years old from the packet; possibly even longer
- Planted 12 Best Boy Tomatoes in 16-ounce cups
- Two per cup
- Planted 5 Roma Tomatoes in 16-ounce cup
- 5 per cup
- Planted 5 Red Cherry Tomatoes in 16-ounce cup
- 5 per cup
- The 3 4-packs of California Wonder Peppers were placed in the heated “greenhouse” (just a black tray with a clear lid to lock in moisture and a heating pad)
- Greenhouse was 92 degrees with cover on
- Removed cover a bit and temp is now 79 degrees
March 11
- 2 Ventura Celery sprouted in the same square (7 days)
- This batch was in the “greenhouse” for a few days
- Took the other 10-week planted celery and put it in the greenhouse
- Temperature of 70 degrees outside yesterday
- Low temp at night only about 36 degrees over the past week and the rest of this week
- 5 Ventura Celery sprouted in the day – 1 in each square (7 days)
March 12
- 3 Copra Onions sprouted (8 days, 12% germination)
- 4 Ventura Celery sprouted – two each in two squares (11 total, 8 days, 46% germination)
- These were sowed on March 4
- Zero Ventura Celery has sprouted from the 12 planted on February 24
- 2 Ventura Celery have sprouted from the 6 planted on February 17 (33% germination)
- The better celery germination is due to the seed being soaked overnight or because the seed was placed on top of the growing medium
- Trimmed the onions to 2.5 – 3 inches tall
- Planted 24 Ventura Celery – 2 seeds per square
- Seeds were soaked overnight
- 6-pack with white dot – seed sown on top of soil
- 6-pack without white dot – seed sown 1/4-inch deep
- Testing to see now if Ventura Celery needs light to germinate with this experiment
March 13
- Put each onion 9-pack in a gallon bucket with water and transplant fertilizer for one minute (soaking from the bottom instead of the top)
March 14
- 6 Copra Onions sprouted overnight (10 days, 9 total, 35% germination)
- 1 Ventura Celery sprouted overnight (10 days, 12 total)
- 3 Copra Onions sprouted during the day (12 total, 48% germination)
March 15
- 1 Copra Onion sprouted (11 days, 13 total, 50%)
- 1 Green Goliath Broccoli sprouted (5 days)
- Possibly 1 Ventura Celery sprouted from the 11 week batch (19 days)
- 2 Ventura Celery sprouted from the 10 week batch (11 days, 15 total)
March 16
- 1 Copra Onion sprouted overnight (12 days, 14 total, 54% germination)
- 1 Copra Onion sprouted in the day (12 days, 15 total)
- 4 Green Goliath Broccoli sprouted (6 days, 5 total)
March 17
- 5 Green Goliath Broccoli sprouted overnight (10 total, 7 days, 56% germination)
- 1 Ventura Celery Sprouted (16 total, 13 days)
- Totals so far
- 2 from 6 planted 12 weeks prior
- 1 from 12 planted 11 weeks prior
- 16 from 24 planted 10 weeks prior (soaked seed)
- Totals so far
March 18
- 1 Best Boy Tomato has sprouted (8 days)
- Completely closed the cover on the greenhouse
- Gave up on the celery planted on February 24th and overturned the containers
- Hydrated all peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli containers
March 19
- 1 Roma Tomato sprouted (9 days)
- 1 Red Cherry Tomato sprouted (9 days)
- 1 Best Boy Sprouted (9 days)
- 1 Green Goliath Broccoli sprouted (9 days, 11 total)
- 2 California Wonder Peppers sprouted from seed saved from last year’s garden plant (9 days)
- There are approximately 110 Copra Onions that are still alive
March 20
- 2 Ventura Celery planted on top of the soil has germinated (8 days)
- Three California Wonder Peppers from packet seed have sprouted (10 days)
- 1 Best Boy Tomato sprouted (10 days)
March 21
- 1 Roma Tomato sprouted (2 total, 11 days)
- 1 California Wonder Pepper from packet seed sprouted (11 days, 3 total)
- 2 Green Goliath Broccoli sprouted (11 days, 13 total)
March 23
- Freezing temperatures in the morning, 65 during the day
- 8 California Wonder Peppers sprouted overnight (14 total, 13 days)
- 5 total from seed saved from last year’s garden plant
- 9 total from packet seed
- 1 Best Boy Tomato sprouted (13 days, 4 total)
- 9 Ventura Celery planted on top of soil germinated (11 total, 11 days)
March 24
- 3 California Wonder Peppers from packet seed sprouted (14 days, 12 total)
- 1 Best Boy Tomato sprouted (14 days, 5 total)
- Transplanted 1 Ventura Celery from recent experiment to another six-pack and dumped the rest
- Keeping a total of 18 celery plants
- Zero Ventura Celery sprouted from experiment where it was soaked overnight and sowed 1/4-inch deep
- This means that celery needs to be sowed on top of the soil (requires light) to germinate
- Re-seeded a Best Boy tomato cup with 2 seeds
- Planted 3 each of the following per square (total of three squares used of a 6-pack)
- Simpson Elite Lettuce (one-year-old seed), Buttercrunch Lettuce (new seed), Red Salad Bowl Lettuce (new seed)
- Placed a dot on the 6-pack next to the Simpson Elite Lettuce for identification
March 25
- 1 California Wonder Pepper from saved seed sprouted (15 days, 6 total)
- 2 California Wonder Peppers from packet seed sprouted (15 days, 14 total)
March 26
- 1 California Wonder Pepper from saved seed sprouted (16 days, 7 total)
- 2 California Wonder Peppers from packet seed sprouted (15 days, 16 total, 100% germination)
- Freezing temperatures overnight
March 28
- thinned out peppers to one per square
- Thinned out broccoli to one per cup
- Bottom-fed all plants
March 29
- 1 Simpson Elite Lettuce sprouted (5 days)
- 2 Buttercrunch lettuce sprouted (5 days)
- 1 Salad Bowl lettuce sprouted (5 days)
March 30
- Frosted overnight
- 1 Best boy tomato sprouted (6 days)
- Thinned Buttercrunch to one seedling
March 31
- Seeded 3 seeds each in one square (three squares used)
- Simpson Elite, Buttercrunch, Red Salad Bowl Lettuce
- Temperatures up to 80 degrees today, tomorrow, and the next day (in March???)
April 2
- Red Cherry Tomato sprouted (2 total, 23 days)
April 3
- 2 Simpson Elite Lettuce sprouted (3 days)
April 4
- 1 Simpson Elite Lettuce sprouted (4 days, 100% germination)
- 2 Buttercrunch Lettuce sprouted (4 days)
- All seedlings were put outside all day and onions stayed outside overnight
- Planted 26 onions in cement block in the back garden
- Gave all seedlings a bottom feeding of transplant fertilizer and water
- 2 Best Boy Tomatoes sprouted (25 days, 8 total)
April 5
- Filled the rest of the cement blocks with onions – approximately 33 more (approximately a total of 59)
- Planted 72 Dwarf Gray Sugar Peas in 6-packs (year-old seed)
- Planted 99 Burpee Super Sugar Snap peas in 6-packs (new seed)
- Re-seeded 4 Red Salad Bowl Lettuce in a square (0% germination from the last batch)
April 6
- Planted out the rest of the onions in the front garden (57 total that were left – total of 116 onions planted)
April 7
- Planted 27 x 7 (189) Burpee A#1 carrot (year-old seed) in the carrot bed (seven rows of 27)
- Planted 33 x 7 (231) of Sugarsnax carrot (new seed) in the carrot bed (seven rows of 33)
- Planted 4 each of Simpson Elite, Buttercrunch, and Red Salad Bowl Lettuce in a square (three squares used)
April 9
- Freezing temperatures overnight – brought all plants inside and put back outside about 11 am today
- Lost 1 pepper planted from saved seed due to damping off
April 10
- Planted Green Goliath Broccoli in the front garden
- Transplanted Ventura Celery from 6-packs to 16-ounce cups
- 3 Best Boy Tomatoes sprouted sometime recently (11 total, 31 days)
- 2 Roma Tomatoes sprouted sometime recently (4 total, 31 days)
- 1 Red Cherry Tomato sprouted sometime recently (3 total, 31 days)
April 11
- Planted 10 Kennebec Potatoes in black buckets
- Planted 6 Kennebec Potatoes in old potato bin
- Planted 10 Kennebec Potatoes in potato garden
- Planted 26 + 13 (39) Kennebec potatoes behind the garage (one row of 26 and one row of 13)
- Planted 14 potatoes next to the house
- 37 Dwarf Gray Sugar Peas sprouted (6 days)
- 3 Burpee Super Sugar Snap Peas sprouted (6 days)
April 12
- 3 Simpson Elite sprouted (5 days, 75% germination)
- 2 Buttercrunch Lettuce sprouted (5 days, 50% germination)
- 17 Dwarf Gray Sugar peas sprouted (54 total, 7 days)
- 6 Burpee Super Sugar Snap peas sprouted (9 total, 7 days)
- Fed all seedlings with compost tea mix that was in the compost tumbler
April 13
- Very hot for this time of year – 83 degrees with 24% humidity
- Planted 4 Red Salad Bowl Lettuce in a six-pack (24 seeds total)
- Red Salad Bowl germination very poor; either on the porch or just outside the porch. Leaving the 6-pack inside in the kitchen for the newly planted lettuce
- 1 Burpee Super Sugar Snap pea sprouted (10 total, 8 days)
- 7 Dwarf Gray Sugar Peas sprouted (61 total, 8 days)
- 1 Buttercrunch Lettuce sprouted (3 total, 6 days, 75% germination)
- Thinned Simpson Elite and Buttercrunch to 1 per square
- Lost 2 out of the 52 onions planted in the cement blocks
- Lost another pepper (2 total) – leaves began drying up and died
April 14
- Planted 2 squares each with 4 Simpson Elite and Buttercrunch Lettuce
- Very hot temperatures – hit about 88 degrees on the porch
April 15
- Hot again – about 85 degrees – on the porch
- Transplanted all 16 Ventura Celery to the front gardens
- Transplanted the first two weeks of lettuce to the garden behind the garage
- Most of all the Dwarf Gray Sugar peas have died because of direct sunlight
- Planted 20 Dwarf Gray Sugar transplants every 4 inches in the garden by the house
- Direct-sowed 27 Dwarf Gray Sugar peas every 4 inches in the garden by the house
- Planted 9 Burpee Super Sugar Snap peas every four inches in the garden behind the garage
- Direct-sowed 68 Sugar Snap peas every 4 inches (seed from FedCo seeds, new this year)
April 16
- 9 Red Salad Bowl Sprouted (3 days)
- Caught them too late. They are very long reaching for sunlight
- Planted 4 each of Simpson Elite, Buttercrunch, and Red Salad Bowl lettuce directly into the back garden
April 18
- Almost frosted overnight – covered up celery and brought seedlings inside
- Dozens of Sugarsnax carrots have sprouted – no exact count because they are mixed with weeds (11 days)
- None of the Burpee A#1 carrots have sprouted
- Back to normal temperatures – mid-60’s
- Deer ate all of the lower growth on the grape vines
April 19
- Put up netting around grape arbor
- De-weeded strawberries and carrot patches
- Approximately 110 Burpee A#1 carrots have sprouted (58% germination)
- Approximately 175 Sugarnsax carrots have sprouted (76%)
April 20
- Transplanted 5 Best Boy, 1 Roma, and 1 Cherry Tomato into the side garden
- 1 Kennebec potato in a bucket has sprouted (9 days)
- 2 Simpson Elite Lettuce have sprouted (6 days)
- Netting placed over carrot bed
- Had to flush out PVC pipes because of algae build-up clogging the holes
- Lost a total of 5 Copra Onions so far – 1 in the front and 4 in the foundation blocks
April 21
- 2 Kennebec Potatoes in buckets sprouted (3 total, 10 days)
- Approximately 140 Burpee A#1 carrots are up (74%)
- Approximately 178 Sugarnsnax carrots are up (77%)
April 22
- 5 Kennebec Potatoes in buckets have sprouted (8 total, 11 days)
- 15 Dwarf Gray Sugar peas have sprouted (7 days)
- 2 direct-seeded Simpson Elite sprouted (6 days)
- 1 Simpson Elite Sprouted (8 days)
April 23
- 2 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (10 total, 12 days)
- 6 Dwarf Gray Sugar peas have sprouted (21 total, 8 days)
- A few sugarsnap peas have sprouted (8 days)
- 3 direct-seeded Buttercrunch have sprouted (7 days)
- 3 Red Salad Bowl have sprouted (7 days)
- 3 Kennebec potatoes in the potato bin sprouted (13 total, 12 days)
- Direct-seeded 4 Buttercrunch where one died
- Approximatey 152 Burpee A#1 carrots have sprouted (80% germination)
April 24
- 30 Sugarsnap peas have sprouted (9 days)
- 1 Dwarf Gray Sugar Pea sprouted (22 total, 9 days)
- 3 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (16 total, 13 days)
- 3 Kennebec potatoes beside the house sprouted (19 total, 13 days)
- 2 Kennebec potatoes in the bin sprouted (21 total, 13 days)
- 1 direct-seeded Buttercrunch sprouted (4 total, 8 days)
- 1 direct-seeded Red Salad Bowl sprouted (4 total, 8 days)
- 2 direct-seeded Simpson Elite sprouted (4 total, 8 days)
- Planted 5 Kennebec potatoes beside the house
- Transplanted 8 California Wonder Peppers to the front garden
April 25
- 1 Kennebec potato in the bin sprouted (100% germination in the bin) (21 total, 14 days)
- 3 Kennebec potatoes beside the house sprouted (6 total beside the house) (24 total, 14 days)
- 6 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (11 total behind the garage) (30 total, 14 days)
- 1 Sugarsnap pea has sprouted (31 total, 10 days)
- Direct-sowed 6 Burpee Super Sugar Snap peas where Dwarf Gray Sugar peas either did not germinate or died
April 26
- 1 Buttercrunch sprouted (12 days)
- 4 Kennebec potatoes in the potato bed sprouted (34 total, 15 days)
- 3 Kennebec potatoes beside the house sprouted (9 total beside the house) (37 total, 15 days)
- 5 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (16 total behind the garage) (42 total, 15 days)
- 7 Sugarsnap peas sprouted (38 total, 11 days)
- 1 Dwarf Gray Sugar Pea sprouted (23 total, 11 days)
- Approximately 153 Burpee A#1 carrots have sprouted
- Pulled one Green Goliath Broccoli from the front garden that was not growing
- Direct-sowed 31 Crimson Giant radishes where the Green Goliath Broccoli was pulled up
April 27
- 1 Buttercrunch sprouted (13 days)
- 2 Kennebec potatoes in the potato bed sprouted (6 total in the bed) (40 total, 16 days)
- 2 Kennebec potatoes in beside the house sprouted (11 total beside the house) (42 total)
- 3 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (19 total behind the garage) (45 total)
- 6 Sugarsnap peas sprouted (44 total, 12 days)
- 1 Dwarf Gray Sugar pea sprouted (24 total, 12 days)
April 28
- 1 Buttercrunch sprouted (14 days)
- 1 Kennebec potato in the bed sprouted (7 total in the bed) (46 total, 17 days)
- 1 Kennebec potato beside the house sprouted (12 total beside the house) (47 total)
- 3 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (22 total behind the garage) (50 total)
- 3 Sugarsnap peas sprouted (47 total, 13 days)
- Direct-seeded 4 Simpson Elite, Buttercrunch, and Red Salad Bowl lettuce behind the garage
April 30
- Very windy yesterday and today – hard to see if anything sprouted
- Planted 15 Sugarsnap peas behind the garage
- 1 Kennebec potato beside the house sprouted (13 total beside the house) (51 total, 19 days)
- 1 Sugarsnap pea sprouted (48 total, 15 days)
- 3 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (25 behind the garage total) (54 potatoes total)
- Approximately 19 Crimson Giant radishes have sprouted (4 days)
- Transplanted 3 Simpson Elite and 2 Buttercrunch into the back garden
May 1
- Planted 32 Basil in the patio bed (2 seeds per 16 holes)
- Planted 32 cilantro in patio bed (2 seeds per 16 holes)
- Planted 32 oregano in patio bed (2 seeds per 16 holes)
- Planted 32 Parsley in patio bed (2 seeds per 16 holes)
- ALL herbs were planted six inches apart
- Planted 43 Sugar Dots corn in the front garden (west side, furthest from driveway)
- Planted 43 Silver Queen corn in the front garden (east side, next to driveway)
- Planted approximately 50 Greencrop bush green beans behind the garage
- 2 Burpee Super Sugar Snap peas sprouted (6 days)
- 3 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (28 total behind the garage) (57 total, 20 days)
- 9 Crimson Giant radishes sprouted (28 total, 5 days)
May 2
- 1 Crimson Giant radish sprouted (29 total, 6 days)
- 3 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (31 total behind the garage) (60 potatoes total, 21 days)
May 3
- 1 Kennebec potato in the bed sprouted (8 total in the bed) (61 total, 22 days)
- 5 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (36 total behind the garage) (66 total potatoes)
- 3 Buttercrunch sprouted (5 days)
- 1 Red Salad Bowl sprouted (5 days)
- 3 Simpson Elite sprouted (5 days)
May 4
- 1 Simpson Elite sprouted (4 total, 6 days)
- 1 Ventura Celery died; broke off main stem
May 5
- 2 Red Salad Bowl Sprouted (3 total, 7 days)
May 6
- 11 Basil have sprouted (5 days)
- 2 Kennebec potatoes in buckets died (6 remaining in buckets)
- 3 Kennebec potato beside the house sprouted (17 total beside the house) (69 total, 25 days)
- 2 Kennebec potatoes behind the garage sprouted (38 total behind the garage) (71 total potatoes)
May 7
- 13 Silver Queen corn have sprouted (6 days)
- 5 Basil have sprouted (16 total, 6 days)
May 9
- Almost frosted overnight
- 9 Silver Queen corn sprouted (22 total, 8 days)
- 25 Sugar Dots corn sprouted (8 days)
- A mole has been digging in the front where the Silver Queen corn was planted
- Do not use green snow fencing for peas next year. Peas cannot easily grasp onto the fence and with windy conditions, it pulls peas out of the ground
May 11
- 3 Silver Queen corn sprouted (25 total, 10 days)
- A mole may have sunken/killed some corn
- 15 Sugar Dots corn sprouted (40 total, 10 days)
- 4 Basil sprouted (20 total, 10 days)
- 16 Cilantro sprouted (10 days)
- 1 Kennebec potato in the bed sprouted (9 total in the bed) (72 total, 30 days)
- 1 Kennebec potato beside the house sprouted (3 total from newest planting) (73 total potatoes, 17 days from newest planting of potatoes)
- 5 Sugarsnap peas have sprouted (53 total) (11 days)
- Approximately 11 Greencrop green beans have sprouted (10 days)
May 12
- Planted 30 Crimson Giant radishes
- Re-planted 16 Silver Queen corn in spots that didn’t germinate
- Planted 3 Simpson Elite, Buttercrunch, and Red Salad Bowl in the back garden
- Planted 8 Simpson Elite, Buttercrunch, and Red Salad Bowl in the patio/herb bed
- 1 Silver Queen corn sprouted (26 total, 11 days)
- 2 Sugar Dots corn sprouted (42 total, 11 days)
- 10 Cilantro sprouted (26 total, 11 days)
- Thinned Cilantro to one per six inches (-11)
- Thinned Basil to one per six inches (-7)
- 12 Greencrop green beans have sprouted (23 total, 12 days)
May 13
- Hard to tell how much cilantro has sprouted – up to 4 sprouts came from two seeds
- 2 Parsley have sprouted (12 days)
- 1 Kennebec potato beside the house sprouted (4 total from latest planting) (74 total potatoes, 19 days from lastest planting)
- 6 Greencrop beans have sprouted (29 total, 13 days)
- 1 Kennebec potato behind the garage sprouted (39 total) (75 total potatoes, 32 days)
- All 7 tomato plants have blooms already – pulled them off to allow the plants to grow more
- 2 Silver Queen corn sprouted (28 total, 12 days)
- Harvested 1 pound, 1 1/4 ounces of Tri-Star strawberries
May 14
- 10 parsley have sprouted (12 total, 13 days)
- Spread the mulched leaves over the front garden
- Transplanted the extra sugar dots corn into buckets/containers to thin out corn to one foot apart, 18 inches between rows
May 15
- 8 Parsley sprouted (18 total, 14 days)
- 3 Cilantro sprouted (29 total, 14 days)
- Removed/thinned cilantro (-1)
- 2 Basil sprouted (22 total, 14 days)
- 1 Buttercrunch in patio garden sprouted (3 days)
- 2 Red Salad Bowl in patio garden sprouted (3 days)
- 3 Greencrop beans sprouted (32 total, 14 days)
May 16
- Picked 1 pound, 1/2 ounce of Tri-Star strawberries
- 1 Parsley sprouted (19 total, 15 days)
- Thinned Parsley (-6)
- 1 Greencrop bean sprouted (33 total, 15 days)
- Lost a lot of carrots due to damping off
- 7 Simpson Elite in patio garden sprouted (4 days)
- 1 Buttercrunch in patio garden sprouted (2 total, 4 days)
- 2 Red Salad Bowl in patio garden sprouted (4 total, 4 days)
- 1 Silver Queen corn sprouted (4 days) (29 total from both sowings)
May 17
- 3 Oregano sprouted (16 days)
- 2 Parsley sprouted (21 total, 16 days)
- 3 Red Salad Bowl behind the garage sprouted (5 days)
- 3 Red Salad Bowl in patio garden sprouted (7 total, 5 days)
- Approximately 28 Crimson Giant radishes sprouted (5 days)
May 19
- 1 Buttercrunch in the patio garden sprouted (3 total, 7 days)
- 1 Red Salad bowl behind the garage sprouted (4 total, 7 days)
- 2 Buttercrunch behind the garage sprouted (2 total, 7 days)
- Re-seeded 18 Greencrop beans behind the garage
- 1 Crimson Giant radish sprouted (29 total, 7 days)
- 4 Silver Queen corn sprouted (33 total from both sowings, 7 days)
- Re-planted dozens of Burpee A#1 and Sugarsnax carrots
- Planted 8 each (4 in 2 holes) of Simpson Elite, Buttercrunch, and Red Salad Bowl lettuce in the patio garden
- Planted 4 each of Simpson Elite, Buttercrunch, and Red Salad Bowl lettuce behind the garage
- Planted 10 Straight Eight cucumbers in 16-ounce cups
- Planted 6 Burpee Pickler cucumbers in 16-ounce cups
May 23
- 4 Silver Queen corn sprouted (37 total, 11 days)
- 1 Greencrop bean sprouted (34 total, 22 days)
- Picked 2 pounds, 3 ounces of Tri-Star strawberries
May 25
- 2 Straight Eight cucumbers sprouted (6 days)
- 5 Burpee Pickler cucumbers sprouted (6 days)
- 8 Simpson Elite in the patio garden sprouted (6 days)
- 5 Buttercrunch in the patio garden sprouted (6 days)
- 5 Red Salad Bowl lettuce in the patio garden sprouted (6 days)
- 1 Buttercrunch behind the garage sprouted (6 days)
- 1 Red Salad Bowl behidn the garage sprouted (6 days)
May 26
- Picked 1 pound, 8 ounces of Tri-Star strawberries
- 4 Straight Eight cucumbers sprouted (6 total, 7 days)
- 1 Buttercrunch in the patio bed sprouted (6 total, 7 days)
- 2 Greencrop beans sprouted (36 total)
- Planted 4 Simpson Elite, Buttercrunch, and Red Salad Bowl in the patio garden
- Dozens of Sugarsnax carrots sprouted (7 days)
May 27
- Harvested 3 3/8 ounces of Buttercrunch from one plant
- Harvested 1 5/8 ounces of Red Salad Bowl from one plant
- Harvested 6 1/8 ounces of Simpson Elite from two plants
- Harvested 3 Crimson Giant radishes – 5 3/8 ounces
- Planted 29 Crimson Giant radishes
May 28
- 1 Straight Eight cucumber sprouted (7 total, 9 days)
- Several Burpee A#1 carrots have sprouted (9 days)
- 3 Greencrop beans sprouted (39 total)
- Peas are a major pain with helping them grow up the green fencing
- A few blooms on the peas in each gardening area
May 30
- 13 Crimson Giant radishes sprouted (3 days)
- Hilled up Kennebec potatoes
May 31
- 10 Crimson Giant radishes sprouted (23 total, 4 days)
- 6 Simpson Elite sprouted (5 days)
- 1 Buttercrunch sprouted (5 days)
- Picked 1 pound, 15 3/8 ounces of Tri-Star strawberries
- 3 Greencrop beans sprouted
June 2
- 2 Simpson Elite sprouted (8 total, 7 days)
- 5 Buttercrunch sprouted (7 days)
- 5 Crimson Giant radishes sprouted (28 total, 6 days)
- Picked all but one of the Crimson Giant radishes that were sowed first
- 1 pound, 4 ounces with foliage; 7 5/8 ounces without
- Pulled off 3 pounds 2 1/4 ounces of broccoli leaves
- Leaves were covering the celery and peppers
June 3
- Harvested 15 1/4 ounces of Tri-Star strawberries
- Picked 1 Drawf Gray Sugar pea and 3 Burpee Super Sugar Snap peas
June 5
- Harvested 6 1/8 ounces of Simpson Elite lettuce
- Harvested 7/8 ounces of Red Salad Bowl lettuce
- Harvested 1 3/8 ounces of Buttercrunch lettuce
June 6
- Planted 46 Greencrop beans in the front garden between each corn stalk
- Transplanted 6 cucumber (3 Burpee Picker, 3 Straight Eight) in the back garden – each four feet apart
June 9
- Picked 2 3/8 ounces of peas
- Picked 10 7/8 ounces of Tri-Star strawberries
- Picked 3 Crimson Giant radishes – 2 3/8 ounces
June 12
- Picked all seven Green Goliath broccoli plants as the flowers were already opened a bit
- 1 Pound, 10 1/4 ounces
- 1 pound, 12 ounces
- 1 pound, 3 1/2 ounces
- 2 pounds 8 3/8 ounces
- 1 pound, 11 7/8 ounces
- 1 pound, 1 5/8 ounces
- 2 pounds, 3 3/8 ounces
- Total of 12 pounds, 3 ounces of Green Goliath broccoli
- 39 Greencrop beans have sprouted in the last few days (6 days)
- Picked 4 radishes – 7 3/8 ounces
- Picked 2 3/8 ounces of peas
- Picked 15 1/2 ounces of mixed lettuce
June 14
- Picked 2 ounces of peas
June 15
- Picked 5 3/8 ounces of Tri-Star strawberries
June 16
- Picked 2 3/8 ounces of peas
June 19
- Picked 3 3/4 ounces of peas
- Picked 3 Crimson Giant radishes – 1 3/8 ounces
- Picked 1 pound, 14 3/4 ounces of Tri-Star strawberries
June 22
- Picked 6 ounces of peas
- Picked 3 1/8 ounces of Greencrop green beans
- Picked 1 pound, 3 3/8 ounces of mixed lettuce
- Pulled up all of the lettuce – way too hot
- Planted 16 Greencrop beans in the patio garden
- Planted 20 Greencrop beans behind the garage
June 23
- Picked 3 pounds, 15 1/4 ounces of Tri-Star strawberries
June 25
- Pollinated 2 Sugar Dots Corn
June 26
- Picked 4 ounces of peas
- Picked 10 3/4 ounces of cilantro
- Picked 3 pounds of Tri-Star strawberries
- Picked 5 1/4 ounces of basil
June 27
- Approximately 3 beans have sprouted behind the garage (6 days)
- Approximately 4 beans have sprouted in the patio garden (6 days)
- Pollinated 1 Sugar Dots corn
June 28
- Pollinated 2 Sugar Dots corn
- 1 Greencrop bean behind the garage sprouted (4 total, 7 days)
- 4 beans in the patio garden sprouted (8 total, 7 days)
- Picked 3 cherry tomatoes – 5/8 ounces
- Picked 8 1/4 ounces of Greencrop green beans
June 29
- Pollinated 1 Sugar Dots corn
- Picked 2 pounds, 8 ounces of Tri-Star strawberries
June 30
- Pollinated 1 Sugar Dots corn
- Picked 1 1/8 ounces of Greencrop green beans
- Picked 1 ounce (6) cherry tomatoes
- Picked 1 1/8 ounces of Dwarf Gray Sugar Peas
- Leaving all Sugar Snap peas to ripen into seed
- Re-planted 8 beans in the patio garden
- Re-planted 8 beans behind the garage
- Planted 4 beans in the front garden
July 1
- Picked 2 3/8 ounces of basil
- Silver Queen corn is losing pollen before silk emerges
July 2
- Pollinated 1 Sugar Dots corn
July 3
- Pollinated 2 Silver Queen corn
- Pollinated 1 Sugar Dots corn
July 4
- Pollinated 1 Sugar Dots corn
- Either 5 or 6 Silver Queen corn was pollinated
- Picked 7 1/2 ounces of green beans
- Picked 1 1/8 ounces of peas
- Picked 4 red cherry tomatoes – 7/8 ounce
July 5
- Pollinated 2 Sugar Dots corn
- Pollinated 9 Silver Queen corn
- 3 Greencrop beans in the patio garden sprouted (5 days)
July 6
- Pollinated 6 Silver Queen corn
- Pollinated 2 Sugar Dots corn
July 7
- Pollinated 4 Silver Queen corn
- Pollinated 1 Sugar Dots corn
July 8
- Picked 2 1/4 ounces of basil
- Picked 4 1/2 ounces of Greencrop beans
- Picked 3 1/2 ounces of peas
- Picked 15 cherry tomatoes – 2 7/8 ounces
July 9
- Pollinated 4 Silver Queen corn
July 10
- Picked 36 cherry tomatoes – 8 ounces
July 11
- Picked 2.5 ounces of basil
- Cherry tomato and roma tomato plants fell over – had to re-stake them up with re-bar
- Pollinated 3 Silver Queen corn
- Pollinated 1 Sugar Dots corn
July 12
- Picked 3 3/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
- Picked 1 Ventura Celery plant – 2 1/8 ounces
- Celery is very crispy and has a sweet flavor
- Didn’t produce very well at all
July 14
- Picked 1 Best Boy tomato – 7 1/8 ounces
- Picked 2 1/2 ounces of cherry tomatoes
- 3 green Best Boy tomatoes broke off the vines while re-staking the plants – 1 pound, 1 7/8 ounces (compost pile)
July 15
- Planted 50 greencrop beans in the Sugar Dots corn bed
- Pulled all Sugar Dots corn that didn’t have ears
July 16
- Picked 1 Burpee Pickler cucumber – 11 3/8 ounces
- Picked 3 7/8 ounces of Greencrop green beans
- Picked 2 Best Boy tomatoes – 10 1/4 ounces
- Picked 3 7/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
July 17
- Picked 3 Sugar Dots corn – 15 3/8 ounces
- Picked onions in the front and some from the back – 38 total
- 4 pounds, 11 1/2 ounces
- 7 pounds, 1 ounce
- 6 pounds, 1/2 ounce
July 19
- Picked 4 Sugar Dots corn – 1 pound, 4 7/8 ounces
- Picked 3 California Wonder peppers – 6 ounces
- Picked 1 Burpee Pickler cucumber – 11 3/8 ounces
- Picked 6 Best Boy tomatoes – 2 pounds, 1 7/8 ounces
- Picked 7 Roma tomatoes – 12 3/8 ounces
- Picked 9 3/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
July 22
- Picked 2 Sugar Dots corn – 10 1/8 ounces
- Picked 2 Silver Queen corn – 1 pound, 3 1/2 ounces
- Picked 9 7/8 ounces of Greencrop green beans from the front garden
- Picked 7 Best Boy tomatoes – 2 pounds, 15 7/8 ounces
- Picked 9 Roma tomatoes – 1 pound, 3 7/8 ounces
- Picked 5 /7/8 ounces of Red cherry tomatoes
- Picked 29 onions from the foundation blocks – 5 pounds, 7 ounces
- Picked 2 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 11 3/8 ounces
- Picked 3 5/8 ounces of Greencrop green beans from the back garden
- Harvested a potato bucket – very small potatoes – 9 3/8 ounces
July 24
- Planted 15 Greencrop beans in the front of the front garden
July 25
- Picked 3 Sugar Dots corn – 9 1/8 ounces
- Picked Silver Queen corn
- 4 – 2 pounds, 3 5/8 ounces
- 4 – 2 pounds, 7 3/8 ounces
- 4 – 2 pounds, 8 1/8 ounces
- 3 – 1 pound, 8 ounces
- Picked 1 carrot – 2 1/4 ounces
- Planted 52 Greencrop beans in the front garden
July 26
- Picked 2 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 2 pounds
- Picked 11 Best Boy tomatoes – 5 pounds, 7 ounces
- Picked 13 Roma tomatoes – 1 pound, 12 7/8 ounces
- Picked 5 3/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
July 28
- Picked 4 Red California Wonder peppers – 1 pound, 1 3/4 ounces
- Picked 1 Sugar Dots corn – 4 1/2 ounces
- Picked 6 Silver Queen corn – 3 pounds, 1 1/4 ounces
- Picked 3 3/8 ounces of basil leaves
July 28
- Picked 4 potatoes in the back garden and six potatoes in the potato bin
- 6 pounds, 8 7/8 ounces
- 3 pounds 6 7/8 ounces
- Picked 2 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 1 pound, 3 3/4 ounces
- Picked 3 Straight Eight cucumbers – 1 pound, 7 1/2 ounces
- Picked 11 Best Boy tomatoes – 6 pounds, 12 5/8 ounces
- Picked 8 Roma tomatoes – 1 pound, 7/8 ounces
- Picked 5 ounces of cherry tomatoes
August 2
- Picked 2 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 1 pound, 11 7/8 ounces
- Picked 5 Roma tomatoes – 8 ounces
- Picked 8 7/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
- Picked 10 Best Boy tomatoes – 5 pounds, 2 ounces
- Picked 1 Straight Eight cucumber – 6 3/4 ounces
- Picked Kennebec potatoes from the potato bed (10 plants)
- 2 pounds, 14 3/8 ounces
- Many potatoes were rotten – need to pull them eariler and water them less
August 3
- Picked 3 pounds of Kennebec potatoes from the remaining six buckets
- Pulled all celery – way too hot and they look very bad
August 4
- Picked 3 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 1 pound, 9 1/8 ounces
- Picked 6 Best Boy tomatoes – 4 pounds, 8 3/8 ounces
- Picked 3 Roma tomatoes – 5 ounces
- Picked 14 3/4 ounces of red cherry tomatoes
- Picked 4 ounces of Greencrop green beans
- Picked 17 California Wonder peppers – 3 pounds, 1 1/8 ounces
- Picked 2 Silver Queen corn – 1 pound, 2 1/2 ounces
August 7
- Picked 1 Straight Eight cucumber – 1 pound, 3/8 ounces
- Picked 3 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 1 pound, 10 5/8 ounces
- Picked 65 Sugarsnax carrots – 5 pounds, 14 1/4 ounces
- Picked 61 Burpee A#1 carrots – 5 pounds, 14 7/8 ounces
- Picked 7 Roma tomatoes – 12 3/4 ounces
- Picked 6 7/8 ounces of red cherry tomatoes
- Picked 6 Best Boy tomatoes – 3 pounds, 4 ounces
August 10
- Picked 1 cucumber – 7 3/8 ounces
- Picked 14 7/8 ounces of red cherry tomatoes
- Picked 1 pound, 5 1/4 ounces of Best Boy tomatoes
- Picked 12 ounces of Roma tomatoes
August 11
- Picked 3 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 1 pound, 1 3/4 ounces
August 14
- Picked the long row of potatoes behind the garage – approximately 25 potatoes
- 10 pounds, 1 1/4 ounces
- 10 pounds, 3/4 ounces
- 10 pounds, 1 ounce
- 1 pound, 12 7/8 ounces
- Picked 4 California Wonder peppers – 7 3/4 ounces
August 15
- Picked 1 Straight Eight cucumber – 15 5/8 ounces
August 16
- Picked 3 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 1 pound, 3 1/4 ounces
- Picked 6 Best Boy tomatoes – 2 pounds, 14 7/8 ounces
- Picked 4 Roma tomatoes – 7 1/8 ounces
- Picked 14 7/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
August 21
- Picked 2 Roma tomatoes – 3 1/4 ounces
- Picked 5 Best Boy tomatoes – 2 pounds, 2 1/2 ounces
- Picked 1 pound, 3 ounces of cherry tomatoes
August 22
- Picked 4 3/8 ounces of basil
- Picked 3 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 1 pound, 4 3/4 ounces
- Picked 3 Straight Eight cucumbers – 2 pounds, 14 ounces
- Picked 3 3/4 ounces of Greencrop green beans
- Picked 3 California Wonder peppers – 10 3/8 ounces
August 24
- Picked 10 Roma tomatoes – 1 pound, 3 5/8 ounces
- Picked 1 Best Boy tomato – 8 3/8 ounces
- Picked 1 Burpee Pickler cucumber – 2 5/8 ounces
- Picked 2 Straight Eight cucumbers – 15 3/4 ounces
- Picked 6 1/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
- Picked 9 pounds of Kennebec potatoes
August 29
- Picked 1 Straight Eight cucumber – 7/38 ounces
- Picked 2 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 8 ounces
- Picked 3 Best Boy tomatoes – 1 pound, 3 1/4 ounces
- Picked 3 Roma tomatoes – 5 7/8 ounces
- Picked 10 1/2 ounces of cherry tomatoes
September 3
- Picked 3 Straight Eight cucumbers – 1 pound, 12 1/2 ounces
- Picked 1 Burpee Pickler cucumber – 7 ounces
- Picked 7 Roma tomatoes – 13 7/8 ounces
- Picked 2 Best Boy tomatoes – 1 pound, 2 5/8 ounces
- Picked 1 pound, 1 1/4 ounces of cherry tomatoes
- Picked 16 California Wonder peppers – 3 pounds, 2 3/4 ounces
September 4
- Picked 6 1/4 ounces of basil
September 8
- Picked 1 Straight Eight cucumber – 9 5/8 ounces
- Picked 1 Burpee Pickler cucumber – 4 1/4 ounces
- Picked 10 California Wonder peppers – 12 7/8 ounces
September 9
- Picked 5 Roma tomatoes – 11 3/4 ounces
- Picked 8 Best Boy tomatoes – 3 pounds, 13 1/4 ounces
- Picked 12 1/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
September 12
- Picked 1 Straight Eight cucumber – 7 3/8 ounces
- Picked 2 Burpee Pickler cucumbers – 9 1/4 ounces
- Picked 15 California Wonder peppers – 1 pound, 9 ounces
September 14
- Planted 24 Crimson Giant radish seed in the carrot bed
- Seed used was saved from plant in the front garden
- Testing for seed viability
- Picked 6 Roma tomatoes – 13 3/8 ounces
- Picked 8 Best Boy tomatoes – 3 pounds, 10 5/8 ounces
- Picked 1 pound, 7 ounces of cherry tomatoes
September 19
- 13 Crimson Giant radishes have sprouted (5 days)
- Picked 1 Straight Eight cucumber – 14 1/8 ounces
- Picked 1 Burpee Pickler cucumber 1 7/8 ounces
September 21
- Picked 5 Best Boy tomatoes – 2 pounds, 6 1/2 ounces
- Picked 6 Roma tomatoes – 13 3/8 ounces
- Picked 5 California Wonder peppers – 8 1/2 ounces
- Picked 1 pound of cherry tomatoes
September 22
- Planted 24 Crimson Giant radishes in the carrot bed
- Testing seed viability for the second time from saved seed
- Picked 6 1/8 ounces of basil
September 24
- Picked 2 Straight Eight cucumbers – 1 pound, 3 ounces
- Picked 1 Burpee Pickler cucumber – 1 1/4 ounces
- Picked 4 Roma tomatoes – 8 3/8 ounces
- Picked 8 Best Boy tomatoes – 3 pounds, 7/8 ounces
September 27
- 17 Crimson Giant radishes sprouted
September 29
- Picked 1 Burpee Pickler – 4 1/8 ounces
- Took down 2 Burpee Pickler cucumber plants
- Picked 2 Roma tomatoes – 2 7/8 ounces
- Picked 7 Best Boy tomatoes – 3 pounds, 13 3/4 ounces
- Picked 3 California Wonder peppers – 5 3/4 ounces
- Picked 1 pound, 7 3/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
October 4
- Almost froze overnight (sporadic frost)
- Picked 5 California Wonder peppers – 11 1/8 ounces
- Picked 15 1/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
October 10
- Picked 1 Straight Eight cucumber – 4 5/8 ounces
- Tore down all cucumber plants – bad powdery mildew
- Picked 5 1/8 ounces of basil
- Picked 16 California Wonder peppers – 2 pounds, 9 ounces
October 18
- Picked 7 Best Boy tomatoes – 2 pounds, 8 3/4 ounces
- Picked 3 1/8 ounces of Greencrop green beans (plants were volunteers that came from seed after digging up potatoes behind the garden)
- Picked 2 pounds, 2 3/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
- Picked 2 Roma tomatoes – 3 7/8 ounces
- Picked 6 pounds, 1/2 ounces of Kennebec potatoes from beside the house
October 22
- Light frost overnight
October 23
- Picked 11 California Wonder peppers – 2 pounds, 1 3/8 ounces
- Picked 4 1/4 ounces of basil
October 28
- Hard freeze will occur overnight
- Picked 3 pounds, 7/8 ounces of cherry tomatoes
- Picked 61 California Wonder peppers – 10 pounds, 13 3/4 ounces
- Picked 57 California Wonder peppers – 10 pounds, 13 3/4 ounces
- Picked 28 California Wonder peppers – 4 pounds, 15 1/8 ounces
- Picked 19 GREEN Roma tomatoes – 2 pounds, 1 1/4 ounces (wasted and thrown in compost bin)
- Picked 48 GREEN Best Boy tomatoes – 12 pounds, 5 3/4 ounces (wasted and thrown in compost bin)
- Picked 34 GREEN Best Boy tomatoes – 7 pounds, 15 1/4 ounces (wasted and thrown in compost bin)
- Picked 6 1/8 ounces of basil